Walk With Us

This music video combines contemporary dance and music: Americana, folk, gospel chorus, and performance poetry.

"Walk With Us" is a protest prayer, cry of grief, and call to action. It was written after the terrible murder of George Floyd and after seeing videos of protestors in Lexington, KY. The protesters marched to the downtown police department chanting, calling out for Justice. Then the chants changed to “Walk with us, Kneel with us” repeated over and over. Gradually cops began to join them. Finally, they knelt down, protesters and police.

Directed by - Hannah Westbrook, Kym Franklin, Willa Moore, Darren Crisp
Walk With Us is hefty collaboration. We cross race, class, gender, religious and geographic lines: dancers from San Francisco and Oakland, CA; St Paul, MN; Warren, NJ; singers from Little Rock and Fayetteville, AR, and Chicago, IL. We've shared tears, laughs and difficult conversations across old, hard boundaries, in order to work together. There is such huge grief in the heart of the world, our hope is that the heart and soul of our video can help viewers mourn, find strength, and move forward with heightened resolve.

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