
Antonio "Dexter" Jimenez is a single father, divorced, focus on his work and getting by. But everything changes when his old friend finds him again after many years and decides to bring "Vulvox" back, their old rock band they founded back in the 90s. They get their old bandmate Charlie, and they recruit a new one called Karime, a singer who's 20 years younger than them, but will attract a younger audience. Although it's a small local band, all four of them are really excited. However, Dexter is also concerned about it because, even though music is his passion, it also brings along several bad experiences from his past and addictions that may cost him everything he loves and cherishes.

Director Biography - Jose Angel Paredes Rios

José Angel Paredes Ríos nació en Tijuana, Baja California. Estudió Telemedia y Comunicación en Southwestern College en San Diego, California. En el 2008 realizó el largometraje documental sobre los quehaceres cinematográficos en la frontera llamado "Séptimo en la Frontera", siguiéndole dos largometrajes de ficción llamados "Buenos Tiempos" (2012), y "Amir" (2016). El último fue galardonado en diversos festivales en Estados Unidos, ganando Mejor Película en el Festival Latino de Houston, y el Premio Corazón en el Festival Latino de San Diego.

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