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Brother Nature | BLOCK K

Two brothers hunt, by the estuary. Until one decides surviving isn’t living. Brother Nature is an experimental hybrid that exists in the overlap between drama and documentary, using street-casted local characters and real settings.

Narrative Short | 15:30

Director Biography - Maxy Neil Bianco

Maxy is a film maker based in the UK. He has made content for Channel 4 and the BBC. He has screened his work at many festivals, art galleries and one off screenings. His work tells stories, often exploring marginal lives and places but raising broader questions around issues of belonging, place and identity. Maxy is fascinated with the strange ways humans interact with nature. Maxy's work has been described as “film from somewhere that’s fallen off the edge of the map, from a place as far from the centre of English society and culture as it’s possible to go, economically, socially and spiritually - as close to the edges and ends of England as it gets.